After the prolonged closure due to the lockdown, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii is open again to the public with all the useful precautions to comply with the antiCovid directives: sanitisation of the site, temperature scanners at the entrance in order to measure the visitors’ body temperature. Antibacterial gels will be available and the use of a face mask will be mandatory. The entrance is limited to small groups of 40 people every 15 minutes in order to enjoy peacefully the Unesco Heritage Site excavations, second archaeological destination for tourists in Italy after the Colosseum.

With the reopening, there is an important news. Enter the House of Cornelii itinerary, just restored, which was opening in front of one of the most famous city’s thermal baths: the Stabian baths. They are the domus, which, in the 19th century, were already an unavoidable stop-over in Pompeii, appreciated for its sculptures adorning the atrium, which are nowadays kept in the Granary Forum, as well as the magnificent peristyle with its Doric style columns framing the garden with the fountain. In the atrium of the house, there used to be the portrait bust of its owner, Caius Cornelius Rufus, now preserved in the Antiquarium of Pompeii.